
About our foodbank

Here is an introduction to our project.

York Foodbank started in 2012 as an initiative of churches in York in response to growing numbers of people living through poverty, hardship and distress.  York Foodbank now runs out of six food distribution points which each open on different days across the city (Acomb, Clifton, Huntington, Tang Hall, Fishergate and the de Grey Rooms in the City Centre).  Motivated by our Christian ethos, York Foodbank’s aim is to meet the needs of those in our local community in times of crisis by giving people practical help and access to high quality advice, leading to improved circumstances and the hope of a brighter future.

The vast majority of our food is generously donated by people in the local community (schools, businesses, churches and individuals) and volunteers of all backgrounds help to sort, pack, and distribute food parcels to individuals and families in need. Local people are feeding local people.

The families and individuals who come to us have been referred by care professionals, social workers, Citizens’ Advice, health visitors, school liaison officers and others, work with us to help people in crisis so that they do not have to go hungry.

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