
Eat Well Spend Less – Jo Pickard

30th April 2016

I have to admit I was overly cocky about this challenge, I felt that my student days would fair me well on my mission to fill my cupboards with tasty food that will last me a week for £7.

Oh how wrong I was, shopping with only £7 was not quick or easy, first of all I had to let go of not just all the luxuries, wine, chocolate…hummus….yeah I know I’m weird.

I also had to let go of some things that I would class as essentials, tea, milk, butter and any type of drink that is not tap water.

Living a healthy existence is a huge part of my life; I hardly eat any meat and hold off on carbs as much as possible, opting for fish, veggies and salads to fuel my hyperactive days.

When faced with budgeting and getting as much for my money as possible this created a huge challenge, fresh fish out, salad out, veggies big time in.

It is also pretty time consuming to ensure you don’t over spend and find the bargains, real offers and deals. Without getting sucked into the 342 fake deals that make you feel that you are getting something for nothing, but usually, you are just getting more of something you didn’t want in the first place! Awkward.

There are certain times of the day that supermarkets reduce the perishable foods…. who knew?

Self-control, not a strength I would add to my CV, but man alive I had to dig deep, to not just whack all seven of those beauties on a Sunday night treat.

Below is what I purchased to sustain me for 7 days with 7 whole English pounds

  • 12 eggs
  • 3 leeks
  • Bag of potatoes
  • Bag of carrots
  • 2 heads of broccoli
  • Penne pasta
  • 3 tines of sardines in tomato
  • Bag of chillies
  • 3 courgettes
  • Porridge oats




This is a guest post from Joanne Pickard who is taking part in the living below the line challenge.

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