
Live Below The Line Challenge

22nd April 2016



Do we really know what being hungry feels like? To be honest I don’t think I have ever really gone hungry – or had to regularly miss meals. Of course, I come home after a long day at work saying ‘I’m starving’ and start to raid the fridge for snacks, but like most people, I don’t know what that means in reality.

I know that I am fortunate enough to be able to not only eat regularly, but to have choice over what I eat, where I shop, and having the freedom to share wonderful food with friends.

But for many of our Foodbank visitors hunger is a real issue, as is very limited choices around food.

Figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre showed hospital admissions for patients with malnutrition have increased from 5,590 to 6,690 in a one-year period.

It’s stark to think of people going hungry in your own city, but this is the reality: people going hungry behind closed doors, often too ashamed to ask for help. We know it’s hard for many people to come and accept support from a foodbank, which is why we try to make York Foodbank as welcoming a place as possible. A place where we don’t just give out food but listen, without judgement, and help resolve the cause of the crisis too.

So, we decided that we would raise money for York Foodbank to continue the work that we do, by setting ourselves a physical challenge which would push us to understand some of these real struggles!

Living Below the Line challenges individuals and communities to eat and drink on just £1 a day for 7 days. By taking part you will shine a light on those people who live below the poverty line and help people to think differently about hunger and the choices we make every day.

Although the challenge does not aim to replicate poverty, it does seek to change perspectives and deeper understanding of the choices and challenges faced when so restricted by income.

1 in 6 poeple in the UK live below the poverty line, and 2.3million children are classed as living in relative poverty.

We feel this is a powerful oppertunity to share experiences, change the way we think, and raise vital funds for York Foodbank who aim to eliviate poverty in the UK and support the most vulnerable in our society.

Please support us by donating here, or if you are up for the challenge why not join us!

Watch this space for blogs during the week to keep you updated with how we are getting on!

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